Floor Drains

Archway Brick and Tile


In any facility where foods or beverages are processed, prepared, and marketed to the public, standing water can never be allowed to accumulate. Floor drains provide an extra measure of safety and cleanliness, and Archway Brick and Tile has extensive experience installing, repairing, and retrofitting process floor drains. Call us for help with your toughest drainage problems.
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Don't let liquid assets become liabilities

Whether it's water, milk, beer, or corn syrup, liquid will almost always take the path of least resistance. If there's nowhere for it to go, it will simply stand still. 

The problem with standing liquid is that it can harbor microbes that can contaminate a food product, such as a batch of craft beer, several thousand gallons of milk, or an entire shipment of lettuce. 

Before an outbreak gets traced back to your processing plant, dairy, or brewery, call Archway Brick and Tile to make sure you have adequate floor drains for your needs. 

Specializing in commercial floor drains 

Archway Brick and Tile installs, services, and repairs all types of commercial floor drainage systems, including: 
  • Stainless steel floor drains
  • Trench drains
  • Finished floor drains
  • Adjustable floor drains
  • General purpose floor drains
  • Polymer drains
  • PVC floor drains
Call our office for a flooring inspection, and consultation on what type of floor drainage system would be best for your facility. 
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